
Sunday, June 13, 2021

Gory effect on miniatures, first try


I wasn't too happy how this batch of Wookies turned out, with just a splatter of red over the blades. So I went through a few tutorials, tried a few techniques, and this was the final result.

The basic idea is to have this effect only where it makes sense, so the leader with his blade up has gore dripping down, the guy with both blades in motion has gore reacting to his movement etc..

I didn't like how some tutorials have you wait for the universal glue to dry for a while then shape it with your fingers when you stick it on the model. Since I wanted to have hanging drops, I first made the structure for the stuff to hold on to. The tutorials suggested either hair, or a brush but I found them either too thin or too thick. I used a colorless fishing rod line, superglued underneath the blades at the desired angles. Then when that was dry and hard enough not to fall off when handled, I started adding universal glue, letting it dry each time before adding more. Its important to shape it into drops at the end of each line. When I was happy with how it looked, I started brushing on a red wash over the whole thing. The end result is a wet looking blade dripping with gore.

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